1. City known for its colorful houses and street art
2. Chile is located in this continent
3. Chile is governed by a single one
4. Natural phenomenon often seen in Chile's skies
5. Chile's largest body of water is Lake General Carrera
6. Southern region of Chile
7. Chile's anthem is called "Himno Nacional de Chile"
8. La Tirana is a religious carnival celebrated in Chile
8. Chilean Patagonia is known for these deep, narrow inlets
9. Chilean cowboy
10. Traditional Chilean pastry
10. Island famous for its stone statues
11. Atacama is one of the world's driest and largest
12. Mountain range in Chile
13. Pablo Neruda, a Nobel Prize-winning one from Chile
14. Traditional herbal tea consumed in Chile
14. Indigenous people in southern Chile
15. Chile has a long coastline along this body of water
16. Traditional Chilean folk dance