1. Related to learning through an abacus
2. Process of finding the total value on an abacus
3. To perform mathematical operations on an abacus
4. Operation of removing values on an abacus
5. To move and reposition the beads on an abacus
6. Number formed by subtracting a value from 9 on an abacus
7. Single bead representing a value of one
8. One who teaches abacus skills
9. To determine the total value on an abacus
10. Device used for mathematical calculations
11. Operation of repeated addition on an abacus
12. Position to the right of the ones on an abacus
13. Comparison of two numbers on an abacus
13. Horizontal arrangement of beads on an abacus
14. Position for the second digit from the right on an abacus
15. Repeating arrangement of beads on an abacus
16. Smallest value on an abacus