1. A person who extinguishes fires
1. Wood used for fuel in a fire
2. The act of cutting something with a sharp, downward blow
3. A small, light axe
4. The action or process of dividing or severing with an axe
5. The process of shaping wood with an axe
6. To move an axe forcefully from side to side
6. To separate or divide by cutting or breaking
7. To cut or shape wood with a knife or small blade
8. The process of cutting down trees
8. A person or machine that cuts down trees
9. The flat cutting part of a weapon or tool
10. To split or sever with a strong blow
11. A person who cuts down trees for wood
12. Trees that are grown and harvested for wood
13. A person who uses an axe to cut or chop
14. Having a fine or pointed edge
15. A large area covered with trees and undergrowth
16. The thin, sharp side of the blade
17. A triangular piece of wood used to split logs