1. Process of complete transformation from larva to adult
2. Hard outer covering of a beetle's body
3. Process of shedding the old exoskeleton during growth
4. Plural form of antenna, the sensory organs of a beetle
5. Thin, membranous wings of a beetle
6. Division of a beetle's body into distinct parts
7. Plural form of mandible, the jaws of a beetle
8. Pair of strong jaws on the mouth of a beetle
9. Paired flying organs of a beetle
10. The front pair of legs on a beetle
11. Small invertebrate animal with six legs and three body segments
12. Short, stiff hairs on a beetle's body
13. The largest segment of a beetle's leg
14. The first stage of a beetle's life cycle
15. Plural form of tarsus, the last leg segment of a beetle
16. The middle segment of a beetle's leg
17. Resting stage between larva and adult beetle