1. Task of hitting the bullseye
2. Pointed end of an arrow used to hit the bullseye
3. Accuracy in hitting the bullseye
4. To miss the bullseye
5. Central part of the bullseye
6. To hit the bullseye successfully
7. Activity in which players aim for the bullseye
8. Board with concentric circles used in the game
9. Measure of how far from the bullseye the arrow landed
10. To make a visible sign on the bullseye
11. To successfully reach the bullseye
12. The inner area closer to the bullseye
13. A game or turn in hitting the bullseye
14. How closely the arrow hits the bullseye
15. Achieving the goal of hitting the bullseye
16. Competition to hit the bullseye
17. Shape of rings on the dartboard
18. Weapon used to hit the bullseye
19. Having circle marks around the bullseye
20. Midpoint of the bullseye
21. The outer area around the bullseye
22. The center of the bullseye