1. The natural process of a goat losing its winter coat
1. A place where goats can seek protection
2. An adult female sheep or goat
3. The act of cleaning and maintaining a goat's appearance
4. To feed on shrubs and other plants
5. A female goat
6. The process of gradually introducing solid food to a young goat
7. The act of extracting milk from a goat's udder
7. A person or machine that extracts milk from goats
8. The sound a goat makes
9. Hard structures in a goat's mouth used for biting and chewing
10. The flesh of a goat used as food
10. A nutritious liquid that goats produce
11. A baby goat
12. A large group of goats
13. A pointed bony projection on a goat's head
13. Pair of bony projections on a goat's head
14. A dairy product made from goat's milk
15. A person who guides and manages a goat herd
16. The thick hair covering a goat’s body
17. Long hair growth on the chin of a goat
18. A building used to house goats and other farm animals