1. Mature male gorilla with a distinctive silver-colored back
2. In danger of extinction or harm
3. Yellow fruit loved by primates
4. Primates including gorillas and chimpanzees
5. Closest living relative to humans
6. Animal that mainly feeds on plants
7. Cleaning of body parts, often done by social primates
8. Living organism that feeds on organic matter
9. Having great physical power
10. Large area covered with trees
11. Hypothetical missing link between apes and humans
12. Serpent admired for its wisdom
13. Primate with no tail
14. Animal that eats both plants and meat
15. Intelligent or clever
16. Group of mammals including apes, monkeys, and humans
17. The physical world and its phenomena
18. Young offspring of an animal
19. Costume resembling an ape, often used in movies