1. Prime meridian passing through Greenwich accepted as the standard reference point for timekeeping
2. Direction towards the North Pole
3. Relating to the time or occurrence of either of the two points when the Sun crosses the celestial equator
4. Cross paths at a point
5. Relating to or consisting of land
6. In the direction or toward the north
7. Navigational instrument indicating directions relative to the Earth's magnetic poles
8. Lines of latitude running parallel to the Equator
9. Science of planning and controlling the direction of a ship, aircraft, or other vehicle
10. Line of longitude running from the North Pole to the South Pole
11. Meet at a point, like lines of longitude at the poles
12. In the direction or toward the south
13. Imaginary line tracing a path on the Earth's surface at a constant distance from the poles
14. Direction towards the East, perpendicular to the meridians
15. Direction towards the West, perpendicular to the meridians