1. A flag with a skull and crossbones, used to identify a pirate ship.
2. Stolen or plundered goods, often of great value.
3. Treasure or valuable items obtained by piracy.
4. A curved sword with a single cutting edge, commonly used by pirates.
5. The vast saltwater body that covers most of Earth's surface.
6. A glass container used for storing and serving rum.
7. A large wooden container used to store and transport rum.
8. The floor-like area of a ship, typically open and exposed to the elements.
9. An alcoholic beverage often enjoyed by pirates.
10. An exciting and daring experience, often associated with pirates.
11. The remains of a ship that has been destroyed or sunk.
12. The leader or commander of a pirate crew or ship.
13. A piece of cloth with a distinctive design or symbol, used to represent a pirate ship.
14. A large, heavily armed sailing ship used by pirates.
15. To steal goods or valuables by force, typically during a raid or battle.
16. A legendary sea monster often depicted in pirate folklore.
17. A drawing or diagram representing a route or area, often used to locate buried treasure.
18. A person who works on a ship.
19. A large gun used by pirates to shoot projectiles at enemy ships.
20. A heavy object used to keep a ship from drifting.
21. A colorful bird often associated with pirates.