1. Process of cleaning and enhancing a poodle's appearance.
1. A poodle trained to protect and defend.
2. Sound created by a poodle, such as barking or growling.
3. A trained behavior performed by a poodle.
4. A poodle mixed with another breed of dog.
4. Person who trains and manages the poodle during competitions.
5. Something given to a poodle as a reward or incentive.
5. Long, docked appendage at the rear of a poodle.
6. A specific type of dog, such as the poodle.
7. The process of teaching a poodle specific behaviors or skills.
8. Ability of a poodle to track smells.
8. The dog's long, pointed nose.
9. Element that poodles tend to be naturally inclined towards.
10. Term that describes the poodle's agility and speed.
11. Characteristic of the poodle as a faithful and devoted companion.
12. Term used to describe something adorable, like a poodle.
13. A competitive event where poodles are judged based on breed standards.
14. A reward given to a successful poodle in competitions.
14. The padded feet of the poodle.
15. The sound a poodle makes when quickly biting or cutting something.
16. Term used to describe an animal that provides companionship, such as a poodle.
17. Smallest size category for poodles, weighing between 4-6 pounds.