1. Organ at the rear of a spider's abdomen used to produce silk
2. Activity of searching and capturing prey
2. Covered in fine, bristle-like structures
3. Structure made of silk used to trap insects
4. Reproductive structure containing spider offspring
5. Smooth and sleek, like spider silk
6. Type of spider that uses its powerful hind legs to jump
7. Spider known for its ability to leap towards its prey
8. Device or structure used by spiders to capture prey
8. Very small in size, often used to describe baby spiders
9. Silk cocoon containing spider eggs
10. Color commonly seen in spider species like the brown recluse
10. Action of a spider using its fangs to puncture the skin of its prey
11. Silken structure created by spiders to catch prey
12. Circular, wheel-shaped spider web
13. Fine, thread-like substance produced by spiders to spin webs
14. Lacking light, a common habitat for nocturnal spiders
15. Dark color often associated with certain spider species
16. Long, jointed appendages that spiders use for movement
17. Having long, thin legs
18. Having or resembling fangs
19. Slow, steady movement often seen in spiders