1. Ability to produce light using biochemical reactions
1. Hard, sharp mouthpart used for tearing prey apart
2. Pair of specialized tentacles used for capturing prey
3. Gland responsible for producing and storing ink
4. Protective overlapping structures covering the squid's body
5. Dark fluid used for defense and escape
6. Internal structural support made of cartilage rather than bone
7. Specialized cell containing pigments used for changing skin color
8. Ability to change skin color and patterns to blend into surroundings
9. Tube through which squid expels water to jet propel
9. Action of rapidly scooping prey into the mouth
10. Group of marine animals including squid, octopus, and nautilus
11. Male reproductive cells used for fertilization
12. Female reproductive cells from which squid offspring develop
13. Muscular covering that encloses the squid's body
14. Animal that actively hunts and feeds on other animals
14. Internal shell-like structure for support and protection
15. Method of propulsion achieved by expelling water forcefully
16. Flexible appendage used for sensing, capturing prey, and locomotion
17. Bioluminescent structure used to attract prey