1. Area where waves break as they hit a point of land or rock
1. Distinctive trees often found on tropical beaches
2. Action of riding inside the hollow part of a wave
3. Waves that are in the process of breaking or have already broken
4. Marine mammal known for its intelligence and playful behavior in the ocean
5. Underwater ridge of sand that forms parallel to the shore
5. Person who rides waves on a surfboard
6. Underwater structure that causes waves to break as they reach shallow water
7. Sport or activity of riding waves on a surfboard
8. Hollow part of a breaking wave that surfers aim to ride inside
9. Sandy area beside the ocean where surfers ride waves
10. Oceanic wave created by distant storms or underwater disturbances
11. Small, gentle wave or series of waves
12. Rise and fall of the ocean's water level caused by gravitational forces
13. Crest of energy formed by wind blowing across the water
14. Act of propelling oneself on a surfboard using arms to move through the water
15. Cord that connects a surfer's ankle to the surfboard
15. The curling, breaking part of a wave
16. Fine mist of ocean water propelled by wind from the crest of a breaking wave
17. Event when a surfer falls off their board and gets submerged in the wave