1. A swimming style where the arms move in a circular motion and the legs kick together.
1. A swimming style where the swimmer lies on their back and moves their arms in a rotating motion.
2. A tight-fitting cap worn by swimmers to reduce drag and protect hair.
3. A person responsible for ensuring swimmer safety and preventing accidents.
4. A competition between swimmers to determine the fastest.
5. A buoyant board held by swimmers to support the upper body during kick sets.
6. The act of inhaling and exhaling while swimming.
7. A movement of the legs that propels the swimmer forward.
8. The best time ever achieved in a swimming event.
9. A swimming style where the arms move simultaneously in an overhead motion.
10. A person who instructs and guides swimmers.
11. A floating device used to mark the boundaries of a swimming area.
12. A swimming style where the swimmer uses any stroke they prefer.
13. The process of preparing and improving swimming skills.
14. Fins worn on the feet to help swimmers move through the water.
15. A swimming competition at a specific geographical level.
16. A marked space in the pool for a single swimmer.
17. A complete length of the pool.