1. Relating to or inhabiting the land
1. A slow-moving reptile with a protective shell
2. A newly hatched turtle
3. Rest or warm oneself in a pleasant heat
4. The hard upper shell of a turtle or tortoise
5. A small body of still water
6. Living or able to live both on land and in water
7. An animal that eats both plants and other animals
8. An animal that primarily eats plants
9. Spend the winter in a dormant state
10. Move from one region to another with the change of seasons
11. Cold-blooded vertebrate animal with a bony or leathery shell
12. A large expanse of saltwater
13. Break up, turn over, or remove earth
14. Relating to reptiles
15. A turtle that lives on land
16. A group of living organisms capable of interbreeding
17. Relating to the sea or ocean